As some know I’m with a 06 t5 converting 2.5 manual to 2.5 tsfi and 7 speed dsg
I’ve hit a issuise abs
Not sure Whitch is best option
I’ve fitted t5.1 cluster
,,,,,,,t5.1 abs module
Main issuise is not seeing g85 signal
As my old 06 isn’t compatible ,
Dose anyone one what would be needed( later t5.1 ) ? Or would it have to run three a t5 bcm ?
I’ve hit a issuise abs
Not sure Whitch is best option
I’ve fitted t5.1 cluster
,,,,,,,t5.1 abs module
Main issuise is not seeing g85 signal
As my old 06 isn’t compatible ,
Dose anyone one what would be needed( later t5.1 ) ? Or would it have to run three a t5 bcm ?