Hello and thank you. I bought it converted but not entirely happy with it.Hello, Sheff here too. Bus looks smart!
Is the changeover valve the same as oil pressure regulator n248 i think it is?I had flashing glow plug light that only occurred on cold start. VCDS shows oil pressure switch, but it failed the VCDS test of the oil pressure changeover valve as shown in a thread by mmi.
Both oil pressure switches changed by garage at their insistence failed to solve it and a subsequent replacement of the changeover valve solved the problem.
The only real way to solve the issue is to scan it with VCDS or similar and delve deeper if necessary.
Unfortunately my VCDS cable isn’t compatible with your newer van, but someone else Yorkshire way might be able to help.
I did read that thread. All the values and graphs are lost on me to be honest.I'm not entirely sure, but don't think so.
Have a look at this thread. [T6_measured] 01-Engine - Oil pressure switches & Oil level sensor
I never had any misfire with my fault, but the engine wouldn't rev over 2500rpm.
Definitely parts darts. And I'm borrowing that quoteYeah a lot of those graphs are lost on me too.
However, you must have replaced the oil pressure sensors for a reason. If that reason was the specific fault code for those sensors and the coil light is still flashing then it could well be the oil pressure changeover valve. That shows up as an oil pressure sensor fault code.
I get the feeling that changing the glow plug wasn’t based on a scan, just a throw of the parts darts because it worked for a friend of yours, so that could have nothing to do with your glow plug light.
See if it will rev over 3000 while driving it. That was something mine would not do until I’d sorted the oil pressure changeover valve.
That remains to be seen. It was always an intermittent thing anyway. No light yesterday but I will only claim victory on that issue after two weeks of no lightsAnd has the flashing coil light gone away too?