Hello there


New Member
Hello all, Im a first time owner of a transporter. I’ve got my hands on a T6.1 and I’m looking forward to loving some van life holidays with my wife now that the kids have grown and are doing their own thing.
Welcome aboard mate. An unwritten rule of the forum is that if there are no pics, it didn't happen, but I'm sure you can rectify that. ;)

Enjoy van life. :thumbsup:
Greetings and welcome. I'm a newbie here too (don't even get my van until this Friday) and everyone has been very welcoming.
Here we go, just a teaser til I pick her up Wednesday. I’m 54 and can’t remember the last time I was this excited about getting something. Oh yeah it was 1984 and I got an acorn electron computer. Never been as disappointed in my life. Especially when I asked for a ZX spectrum.