Help! Returned from garage with Smaller Top mounts


VIP Member
Van was in to have the rear springs and shocks swapped for T32 ones (Saggy T28 Camper).

I hadn't chance to check underneath before it went in but I supplied a set of new top mounts with it, wit the caveat of if they are different don't swap them for now.

However he;s gone and swapped them any way.

This type that have come off it and are sat looking very grubby and dry in the box of old parts.


But its now has a similar set to these on it

Is that an issue? I can only assume when people up grade the suspension they often have the smaller mounts on, of if you up grade to the powerflex ones etc?

I would love a full lowered over hall haul but my budgets being pulled in different direction right now.

Do any of our resident suspension experts know? @CRS Performance @BognorMotors
Don’t think there top mounts

Look like we’re the rear springs sit on
Can anyone advise on this?? Were heading away in the van on Saturday, so today is my last chance to get a pair of the larger original rubbers ordered and fitted in time.