Help with curtains to go behind front seats


VW ID Buzz
T6 Guru
I use my Kombi for work so I have removed the seats and was going to fit a van bulkhead but am now thinking of using a curtain. Can anyone recommend a curtain and how does the runner fit to the roof . I would like something that will keep the heat in the cab in the winter and help with the noise from the rear if possible.the wife is handy at making the sort of thing but I am not to sure about a runner and the weight it will take . I was thinking of having it in two so I could open the middle to use the rear mirror if needed .
I could make a bulkhead to fit at the bottom about two feet hight the cut the curtain to overlap.
has anyone fitted something like his .
I know this post was a long long time ago Keef, but did you get this sorted? I have a brand new van-x cab divider curtain going cheap if you are interested.
Thanks for the offer but have got use to not having a curtain or bulkhead . I got a set of heated seat covers and they work really well on a cold morning.