Yes genuine cable and New softwareis it a genuine cable?
and have you got the latest version od software?
VCDS / VagCom - How I Done It -
VCDS / VAGCOM - How I Done It - *********************************************** The current software version is : VCDS FULL Release V19.6 VCDS-Lite Release V1.2 VCDS-Beta V19.6.1 Click HERE for More Details Ross-Tech: VCDS: Downloads: Current Release and
Upon the first launch of the program, I was able to bleed the fuel system one it a genuine cable?
and have you got the latest version od software?
VCDS / VagCom - How I Done It -
VCDS / VAGCOM - How I Done It - *********************************************** The current software version is : VCDS FULL Release V19.6 VCDS-Lite Release V1.2 VCDS-Beta V19.6.1 Click HERE for More Details Ross-Tech: VCDS: Downloads: Current Release and
Fault code 7F 2F 7F Transporter T6 2016
Hi, I've just started using VCDS trying to diagnose a no-start condition on my 2016 Transporter T6. Upon the first launch of the program, I was able to bleed the fuel system one time. On 2. try now most of the tests Output Test functions not working, all reporting 'Refused by Control Module'
You could consider trade in.Yes genuine cable and New software