Paolo Pezzoli
New Member
Buongiorno a tutti, ho un fastidioso problema che in vw non risolvono.. dopo circa due ore che viaggio con il mio trasporter T6 esce aria calda da sotto lo sterzo all'altezza delle ginocchia e ultimamente si scalda anche la plancia all'altezza dello stereo. Qualcheduno sa aiutarmi?
Good morning everyone, I have an annoying problem that in vw they do not solve .. after about two hours travelling with my T6 transporter, hot air comes out from under the steering at knee level and lately the dashboard is also warmed up at stereo level. Can anything help me?
Good morning everyone, I have an annoying problem that in vw they do not solve .. after about two hours travelling with my T6 transporter, hot air comes out from under the steering at knee level and lately the dashboard is also warmed up at stereo level. Can anything help me?