Ikea Hammarn Sofa Bed T6 LWB Kombi


New Member
Hi all, late last year I bought an Ikea Hammarn sofa bed after reading it was perfect for the back of a T6. I am sure I read somewhere that for a T6 LWB Kombi people had got it to fit in the flat position without removing the rear Kombi seats.

However, having wrestled with it for a couple of hours and trying it in different positions, I don't think it's physically possible without removing the seats. Has anyone out there managed to get it to fit? I think the answer is no but just want to double check. Thanks.
I'd say not possible...the lwb is only about 500mm longer than the swb and with the seats removed from a swb, the bed when open gives around 300mm at the bulkhead position. Hence leaving the seats, in eats away around 1100 of floor space.