Intercooler, recommendations and identifying my engine


Hello VW hive mind :)
I have a leaky Intercooler on my early T6 that I fear may not last much longer or cause another issue. I was recommended a replacement by Darkside developments which look like solid bits of kit although I’m not necessarily looking to increase performance so not sure if it is any better than a straight replacement by VW. I don’t want to buy something I will have to replace again. So I have a couple of questions:

1. Darkside Intercooler - I can see a few have installed them but wanted to see what the thoughts are on them, worth it ? Better than VW ?

2. What engine do you think I have ??? I have a 2015 Euro 5 badged up with T3 140 TDI on the back, I presume this Intercooler would be the correct one? It’s registered as 2015 but a T6 so I think this is correct (It’s a lot of money to go wrong with though :( )

Any help greatly appreciated!
Hello VW hive mind :)
I have a leaky Intercooler on my early T6 that I fear may not last much longer or cause another issue. I was recommended a replacement by Darkside developments which look like solid bits of kit although I’m not necessarily looking to increase performance so not sure if it is any better than a straight replacement by VW. I don’t want to buy something I will have to replace again. So I have a couple of questions:

1. Darkside Intercooler - I can see a few have installed them but wanted to see what the thoughts are on them, worth it ? Better than VW ?

2. What engine do you think I have ??? I have a 2015 Euro 5 badged up with T3 140 TDI on the back, I presume this Intercooler would be the correct one? It’s registered as 2015 but a T6 so I think this is correct (It’s a lot of money to go wrong with though :( )

Any help greatly appreciated!
The T6 started production in 2015.
A 2015 Euro 5 140 (not sure where T3 comes from?) will have the CAAC engine.
I had always heard it was 2016 which confused me. I always thought the T3 was relating to it being a T32 but that was a guess

I don’t want to buy something I will have to replace again.
There’s no guarantees on that, if a stone goes through the grill it will damage the core dependent on size of the stone and speed.
The best way by far to avoid stone chips and front end damage to things like intercoolers is to keep a good distance from the vehicle in front.
I’d stick with OEM, the quality control is probably better.
The darkside one isnt much more than an OEM unit
You can get them ECP and places like that, obviously you will need to get the bumper off to fit it but i found it a surprisingly easy job when i did mine

Heres the cheaper euros aftermarket

And heres the Mahle unit which i believe is what the OEM one is

VW have theres listed at £300 + vat retail unless you can ask nicely and get a bit of discount ?
Heres the part number if you want to have a google - 7E0145804B
Thanks Pauly, that makes it a lot easier to search. Too much choice now ! all the aftermarket stuff looks cheaper, I just don’t want to buy something rubbish and fit it twice (obviously anything could happen with a stone etc). The genuine one seems out of stock which takes that one out. Any recommendations on the quality of the other ones ?
Afraid not, from my experience Mahle and Behr are the two main companies for supplying OEM kit like this this (it just won’t have a VW part number on it)
I replaced ours a couple of years back and didnt want a stock replacement as everything i change i try to upgrade.
Do you have any thoughts on tuning your van ? Maybe a bigger cooler to cope with future upgrades ?
Do you have A/C ? As this is also in the 'sandwich' up front and can make fitting a bigger cooler a tad tighter for space.

My experience of the DS one was very poor. Must have been thrown together on a friday afternoon as nothing was even close to fitting and it had to be returned.
Many people fit the forge one , well built apparently and it gets good feedback so maybe you could look at that ?
I went for an Airtec which also looks well built .

Fitting was straightforward and other than a few blisters in the powdercoat it still looks pretty after a couple of years in use (and a few thousand miles ).
Look at the volume of any replacement and decide if bigger is better for you but remember being overly big wont do you any favours .