Is it possible to modify, program the Haldex on T6 to switch on manually rather than rely on its purely slow automatic function?

Kind of Blue

T6 Legend
Is it possible to in any way to modify, program the Haldex on T6 to switch on manually rather than rely on its purely slow automatic function?

I may have said over time that I live completely off road. Our post code has only one address, ours! No other property or buildings near by, remote in other words. In middle distance I can see a farm across the valley partially hidden by woodland. Other land owners and access users are farmers using tractors or other agricultural equipment or off road vehicles. I have two off-road access routes to my property with no public right of way of any sort across my land or near to my property. One access, below us, short of a mile, steep-ish, resembling a narrow old tree lined rocky welsh green lane. Often covered in wet slippery leaf mulch, has bits reinquiring some moderate axle twisting slippery stone or rocks abound the trackway. In other places it has stretches of tractor ruts, cow and sheep plop etc often muddy most of the year. The other route some of which is on my land, has only hard surface at its extreme ends is moderately steep in places but most literally crossing open fields with no trackway at all in the middle section and some. So just crossing open field's containing stock, cows or sheep, rarely. the odd horse.. I rarely see any one, only the odd fox, badger plenty of other wild life all sorts of predating birds and so on. The top access is not too bad in summer but very wet this time of year, autumn and very wet in the winter.

When taking the upper access in wetter months, I generally air down. From road pressures F35psi Rear 34psi to anything 20psi all round to 6psi all round to gain traction and prevent rutting on wet field always airing up to road pressures when on the tarmac. I have a 2019 T6 Caravelle 4Motion with rear Differential Lock! 255/55R16 BFG All Terrains and many years of off road experience. Driven Landrovers of various sorts including LR101FC, which is now retired resting or rotting away in some corner, High Cap long gone else where, Volvo TGB 6x6 resting in another corner somewhere. Have owned a Unimog, Toyota Landcruiser 80 series VX, Suzuki and plenty of other 4x4.

The T6 is OK, has good under axle clearance possibly better than 110 but the general under belly ground clearance only moderate, it definitely need a lift, not got stuck here yet but do use the rear lock frequently in wetter months. It is no portal axled of road champ like the UNIMOG or the 6x6 Volvo both having diff locks in all of their portals, very large tyres and so on and both ex military.

We recently acquired a 2023 Dacia Duster 4x4 for our daughter and this amaizingly competent as standard even with moderate standard tyres. For its type, that is a Car, it has excellent all round ground clearance. It has some sort of haldex type of gearbox which can be changed from " 2 wheel drive to Automatic 4 wheel drive and one can even lock the haldex, if that is what it is. When locked the Dacia is amazingly assured, so positive, no slippage, it just goes where it is pointed. Everything is so positive and immediate. When in normal 4x4 mode it operates more like the T6 with that front initial slippage followed by a delated push from the rear end. When driving up hill on wet grass or an old grassed up track way that initial slippage can be a big problem. The Dusters rear prop locked up to the gear box prevents the repeated slip marks. So say stopping at an up hill field boundary the T6 or any normal Haldex type scuffs up the grass at the front wheels making it far more slippery it delays is pull off or not! The Duster just drives on demand. It is less likely to get stuck.

So I ask the many undoubted technical experts on here, could the T6 have a switch that locked up the rear prop to the gear box just like a 4x4 Dacia Duster????

It would make a very significant improvement to its off road potential, especially for me!
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Do you have the diff lock? As I understand it (from Cali forum posts, not VW literature so I could be wrong) if you activate diff lock then drive is also sent to the rear.

Alternatively there is an admirable level of detail here
Do you have the diff lock? As I understand it (from Cali forum posts, not VW literature so I could be wrong) if you activate diff lock then drive is also sent to the rear.

Alternatively there is an admirable level of detail here
Thank you. I was viewing people on line and noticed that thread being looked at. I was hopeful that my post might receive some interest. I have zero technical mechanical or mechanic electric ability or next to zero anyway. If it was easily possible I would need some one else or company such as Advanced in Car Technology In the Pool /Bournemouth area to do that sort of stuff or some thing similar else where it might be done

I do indeed have a rear axle differential lock! I have noticed but think I imagine it that assistance is immediate when employing it! I had wondered if it was wishful thinking or my imagination. In Poor weather I would always engage it and it felt very secure and positive with absolutely no front wheel preliminary scrabble. I did use to ponder this, why no front slipp but as I have said I just thought it imagination or wishful thinking.

Unfortunately my diff lock has stopped operating. Switch Light comes on no repeater light in the speedo binnical now and I also feel it is not doing its job. If I forget to switch it of when hitting a tractable surface it no longer resists tuning. I had asked a rather excellent otherwise VAG mechanic to look into that but I think he may not approve of T6 performing off road though he did say he would look if I took it back brought it back brought. I was little put off because off road performance and capability for me is so important because I could be literally in the shit if I can not get in or out or it gets stuck somewhere awkward. I got a little bit of opinion about using this sort of vehicle that way and sort of a Landrover is the way. If you know what I mean. he is normally so good and very fast at sorting things. So maybe get the diff lock sorted and then I can tell you if it does engage the Haldex in advance

Again thank you!
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my T5.1 DSG 4motion had a DIFF LOCK button .

View attachment 262742

Thank you so much for your post and links as I have said in the reply to the post above P do have a diff lock and I have felt that the Haldex might be doing its job in advance when operating it. I get no wheel scrabble in the same places when not engaging it but thought it was psychological wishful thinking by my Self! I also believe mechanical diff locks need activating regularly to ensure smooth activation when it is really needed. They often do not function otherwise.
It's an interesting post. Are you 100% certain that your Haldex and diff lock are both operating as they should?
In slippery conditions my T6 4Motion sends drive to the rear before I've even noticed the front wheels spinning, it is a tiny fraction of a second.
I don't experience a noticeable loss of traction at the front followed by a delayed reaction waiting for the rear wheels to help out.
It's an interesting post. Are you 100% certain that your Haldex and diff lock are both operating as they should?
In slippery conditions my T6 4Motion sends drive to the rear before I've even noticed the front wheels spinning, it is a tiny fraction of a second.
I don't experience a noticeable loss of traction at the front followed by a delayed reaction waiting for the rear wheels to help out.
The differential lock is not working I believe that the Haldex is working but properly is a definitive word. Wheel scrabble is a word without exact definitive definition. In this instance from me it is a transient slip before it regains composure and caries on its way up hill over slipper smooth rocks in the track way. It is not spinning around. Perhaps my choice of words could be better. Previously I was always aware of it without the diff lock, with it hardly any slipping or any. I used to ponder this but life has other distractions so just like the wheel slip and I would ponder and then move on in my head. Off road is an every day thing here.

Thank you so much for your thoughtful considerations.
2019 T6 Caravelle 4Motion
Which engine? Dsg or manual? Mileage? Has the Haldex pump been cleaned lately?
Which engine? Dsg or manual? Mileage? Has the Haldex pump been cleaned lately?
diesel 199 bhp I believe, it was a very late cancelled order after the order books for the T6 had been closed which I did not realise at the time and a customer changed his mind. I bought it because it had most of what I wanted except down hill assist! The sales man at Bristol knew I had a plans to have it retro fitted and after sale said it can not be done. I could have hit him, Any way I guess that a main dealer knows very little about what can and can not be done because they loose interest if the precious VAG equipment lacks understanding of anything unusual. I was given ifomation at one main dealer wont say where, one of the secetaries came over to me on the sly and told me where I might get it done and gave me contact details because this after marketl guy had already done it but dont tell her boss she tasked me!! Still waiting to book it in for that. Still thats a digression. 7 speed DSG. Under 28,000miles Haldex has not been attended to and has given no concern in any way.

The operation of the diff lock appeared to be working quite a period of time after the repeater in the instrument binical failed to show. I feel that the diff lock has ceased operating but I have not given it severe dynamic test or jacked it up. If it is switched on I can turn easily on tarmac. If I operate diff lock descend my bottom track I eventually reach a narrow C road. Usually I have disengaged the diff lock but occasionally I am distracted and having no repeater leave it late. Usually the vehicle is uncomfortable the steering would be stiff of performing a tight multi turn back and forth to turn the other way. It will unlock during or after one or two shunts as play between the splined must allow the lock to release. It is not something I try to do very often as it is not a good idea. Usually if I forget I either just run a few meters back and forth or put one side on the grass, it releases quite quikly allowing tight multi 3 point tun. Now with the switch on there is no complaint or unwillingness in tight tuning. I know about haldex filters as we have had other vehicle with it that has been cleaned and oil drained and refiled by a VAG tech. I could discuss it with him but 28000mls is quite low. I believe hat the Haldex is fine. Its the diff lock I am quite sure now. I realise its operation when working must have given the impression that the vehicle was over performing by operating the haldex and so not slipping on difficult going. Anyway I will book it in and have it investigated by our normal VAG guy ot take it somewhere else. Thank you for the information.

I will let evey one know what happens when it does. It is good enough for now but a harsh winter is another thing and who knows perhaps we will be blessed with snow blizzards. I do hope so have not had them for a few years So i will get it done sooner than latter. Thank you so much!

I do ramble on! Dont I:slow rofl::)
Hill descent control on a T6 can be done yourself if you have ODB11 or other coding.lots of info on linked thread.

T6.1 we don’t have the coding on the forum yet - if anyone has a T6.1 4Motion with hill descent and can share their coding that would be cool.

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Hill descent control on a T6 can be done yourself if you have ODB11 or other coding.lots of info on linked thread.

T6.1 we don’t have the coding on the forum yet - if anyone has a T6.1 4Motion with hill descent and can share their coding that would be cool.

I have Hill Descent in my T6.1 4mo (not that I've ever used it)....I also have vagcom, but no idea how to get what you need/want.
Happy for you to pm me a how to!
Yes, you can get a stand alone Haldex controller.

That is most interesting!:):cool: Please tell me more.

I realise now that the differential lock works to also activate the Haldex so I guess that it is possible. I had the diff lock switched on this morning as a confirmation. I drove down the hill this AM, Diff Lock switched on Switch Light on tick, Repeater Light not on, cross. Hit the narrow C road at the bottom drove a 100m without cancelling anything did my usual multi U turn very tightly full lock to lock no restriction no tight steering no scrubbing tyres. If the diff lock was operating this would not be the case. However I I would not know that the Haldex was pre armed. So after the Friday shopping trip did the return up the hill everything engaged anti slip regulation, diff lock activated no repeater. The track is very slippery in places. Tonnes of wet leaves covering everything, wet polished rock included. Wheel span a little more than usual slid sideways a small amount now and then, The trach traverses upwards along the side of a hill. Front slid or span slightly then gained some traction the rear rear then lost some traction then bit and I continued home. Diff lock defiantly not working can not tell if the Haldex is pre armed and locked possibly. Certainly when the diff lock was working the vehicle hardly if ever span its wheels even a little at this particular part of the track.

I can say that wet leaves are just a slippery as black ice and I do not work for British Rail. :D
Hill descent control on a T6 can be done yourself if you have ODB11 or other coding.lots of info on linked thread.

T6.1 we don’t have the coding on the forum yet - if anyone has a T6.1 4Motion with hill descent and can share their coding that would be cool.

:oops::laugh: Well unfortunately I do not have one of those Communicators Jim, the Klingons wont let me have one because I am an complete cluts! Hit it with a hammer or turn it on and off again they say. I do look enviously at you guys all communicating with your steed in some uncomprehension-able language but back in the office star fleet wont buy into it.

Maybe some day I will have one but honestly, I struggle with a basic mobile phone, I have mine only for emergency or prearranged contact only, locked away. My daughter, she, whose fingers move at the speed of light, I am sure texting out the whole volume of War and Piece by the time I have even found an address file of whom I want to talk to. If something goes wrong with it I hand this unfamiliar phone to her, thumbs a blare she hands it back sorted without even looking, while continuing with her own communicator with thumbs. I am sure humans will evolve with giant thumbs dragging along the floor. We will be attracted to those with the biggest fastest thumbs for mates.:grin bounce:
Sounds like it's time to give him a call.
He is really excellent though very very busy! "Drop it off xxxday, morning ,if you can, I will have a look". Drive the twenty miles home with the wife get in, phone rings, its him. "sorted pick it up when you are ready" He has a method and can go through a number of cars and while waiting for a part will tend to something else and so on. At first I was a little embarrassed, I am not that special, most garages are not like that. I even suggested that I did not expect him to pull out the stops for me though I am very greatful. He just says he did not pull out any stops and is just efficiency and does what he can with each car, then tends to another parked up, then has a look at something else and so on. He seems to know his stuff and an MOT station a few miles away says there is very little he does not know about cars especially VAG and has invested heavily in VAG equipment. Not a conversationalist but a very honest skilled knowledgable hard worker. I believe he is well respected in the trade locally.
Which engine? Dsg or manual? Mileage? Has the Haldex pump been cleaned lately?
Hi mmi,

OK. I had done as you suggested. Even though the Carvalle had only done 27,000mles, it was very filthy and the filter needed cleaning. All done along with the new on activator. No fault codes evident! So thank you one and all.
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I have.

And have VCDS

(If you send an idiots guide to what you want, more than happy to share!)

A VCDS Auto-Scan would be useful as a future reference.


Plug in VCDS dongle.​
Start VCDS on computer.​
IGNition ON​

On VCDS click Auto-Scan​


Click Start (let VCDS use Auto-detect and settings as below ... it takes a few minutes to scan all the modules​


When finished, under Results click Save - it will create a Log-WV.xxxx.TXT file in directory C:\Ross-Tech\VCDS\Logs​
Also Copy can be used to copy and paste e.g. into Notepad​

Just attach the file in your post.

PS. Also the build sheet of your van would be very useful.