Kenwood dmx8021dabs odd bluetooth behavior


VIP Member
T6 Pro
Hello Folks, generally very pleased with the dmx8021dabs supplied by @Absolut5 but it has 'developed' an odd bluetooth behaviour; Turn on, phone connects, android auto connects, all works well. But every other phone call I recieve the screen shows an incoming call, I press the 'answer' button on screen and then a message 'bluetooth disconnected'. Android Auto still connected and apparently phone controls still connected.

The screen still shows the phone call in progress but the system has reverted to using the phone speaker and microphone. I can hear the caller on the phone - but of course can't pick it up (that's illegal when driving). Only way to sort it is to switch everything off - the Kenwood and the Phone - and start again. All connects normally, usually get one or two more phone calls in before I get the same symptoms again.

Any ideas?

PS> youngest just nicked my van to go to France with his mates - so if you have a solution I can't test until next week.


I suggest a complete reset, Bluetooth delete on unit and phone then a fresh connection, also I believe Kenwood have just released a firmware update that may be worth doing.
Don’t forget the poor head unit sits there , and your phone has constant updates