Kombi Seat Configurations


VIP Member
T6 Pro
hi guys
Can you get a double seat with the seat belts contained on the seat , so don’t have to have them on side of Kombi or 2 singles with seat belts contain to seat?
No. Not a genuine seat anyway. You can put a triple there or two 2nd row singles
Is it not possible to possible to fit two sets of QR floor mounts between the rear wheel arches so that two single seats could fit? im trying to do the same also!
Ahhh, perfect! how much do you charge and can you do mine before August!! :)

have these actually been fitted? it looks like they don't anchor down to anything in the picture when taken, did they need to have the side panels on the seat removed to fit?
They were only placed in for the picture. They are now all fitted, with the factory reinforcing plates and the floor reinstalled. Pictures to follow
Super, look forward to seeing the final product:)
Thank you.

Regarding the brackets, Did you need to use 4 x left small and 4 x right small brackets for the left and right most outer legs on both sides of the van, and then 4 x large double brackets for the inner most legs in centre of the van? Appreciate your help.
Hi BognorMotors, just wondering if you had chance to find the photos yet? are they now on your Facebook page? Thanks
I like it! I thought I’d seen all possible seat configurations but this was a new one on me. I was all set to put the 3-seat bench in the back but this is giving me pause. How did you find the right and left singles? Just eBay?
Hi Minemapper, yep, just off ebay, there are a few camper and mobility conversion companies who get new vans in for conversion with the three singles in as standard. It's just the middle one you need two of as the outer two don't have integrated seatbelts and the feet are closer together. Cost me about 850 for two with all brackets and mounts, cost more than a triple but much better option in my opinion.
Just found this thread, and it's exactly what I've been been looking for, I currently have a 2+1 set up directly behind front seats but have been wanting to gain some extra space without loosing all storage to rear, this looks like a perfect solution and after watching your you tube vid it's something I'm pretty confident to take on myself. Can I ask which exact seats you used? And where you sourced the QR brackets from. Again great vid excellent to see this kind of initiative.
Hi. Sorry for the late question, is the spacing the same for the 4 middle brackets, ie can you put one seat in the centre 4 QR brackets?
Brilliant thanks, I am just fitting some 1+1+1 in my middle row and I have an extra set of brackets for the 3rd row to give some flexibility, will get another set tomorrow for even more flexibility! 1+1+1 in the middle, triple,1 single in the rear!
Hi, sorry, only just seen your question. Yes you can, the spacing is equal between the QRs, you can just put 1 of the single seats in the middle if you wish.... or, if you do have a 3 seat bench this will also fit instead.
Finally finished this last night after spending what feels like forever assembling all the various parts required. Slightly nerve-wracking when it came time to start drilling holes in my expensive van, but I just took my time and measured everything 15 times. The longest part, as always, was the initial dismantling of the underneath stuff. Dropping the fuel tank and exhaust was the worst part. Putting it all back together was a doddle at the end, and crucially, no leftover screws or bolts (if you knew my history on this, you would understand the significance :) )


First test fit. Clicked in perfectly. Phew.


Cutting these holes at 9:30 on a cold driveway was brilliant fun. Not.



As you've realised by now, I cancelled the idea of double 3rd row seats, sticking with my original plan of moving the 3 seat bench backwards instead. The 3 singles in the middle row will probably be 2 normally, with the middle one kept in storage for times when we really need 8 seats.
