Laying Vinyl Floor on to Hex Ply


New Member
Hi Everyone,

My first T6 conversion so apologies for my naivety…
But looking for a bit of advice from those who have fit altro / vinyl floor to their ply floor please

I have an ex-fleet swb panel, and it has a decent condition ply floor which I intend to put back down. However, its hex ply (buffalo board style - pics for reference), wondering if applying vinyl to this would work or if it would end up being a poor finish and/or bond?

Alternatively, has anyone used any other methods to improve their ply (spraying / painting for example)

I am considering starting fresh with new floor, but thought I’d explore options to enhance what I have first



Hi, you won't get a good finish going straight on top of that.
I would use that has a template and cut new boards. You could then sell the hex board on to a tradesman etc.