LED Headlight fault - only 1 illuminates on flash.


T6 Pro
Hi, I have a problem with my led headlight flash in so far as that when i flash my lights very quickly in the daytime only one of the headlights flash. I have tested this several times against the garage door or a window in front of me and unless i hold in the arm on the side of the steering wheel for a second or two i get this problem. I took the van (T6 highline) into my local vw garage and was told that its normal as the current has to go to one light before it reaches the other! Now call me old fashioned but we are in the 21st century if im not mistaken and surely with modern electronics this shouldn't happen and i think im being fobbed off to put it politely.
Has anyone out there with genuine factory fitted led headlights on their T6 suffered the same or perhaps you havent noticed? OMG i might be starting something here.
Look forward to hearing from you. Thanks.
I have had the exact same problem, on mine when I turned the headlights on one was also delayed and came on a second after the other one along with the single sided flash

Sounds like you have a faulty power module, this is the metal box bolted to the side of the headlight nearest the rear of the headlight unit with a part number beginning 7PP
If it’s the drivers side it’s easy to get at in situ but the passenger side is not so straightforward
Can't say I've noticed that issue with mine.. I'll check when I get back... ours has factory LED.

Edit: Nope ours works fine, defo a problem with yours. Took a quick vid for you.

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Just to complete my previous statement the unit i replaced on mine (under warranty) was 7PP 941 571 AE Z06
The part number has changed a few times so it could be A or AE or C but the rest of the digits remain the same
Really appreciate your responses, thanks. i will now take the matter further with the local dealer knowing that its deffo a fault.