Leighton LV-S chin and splitter - how much clearance?


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T6 Pro
I've just ordered one of these as they are on sale and seemed a good price (well, less of a transporter tax than normal!). However just wondering how low these go and is it likely to cause problems getting over kerbs when parking? This is on a van with standard wheels and suspension at the moment, but I was planning on maybe lowering a bit (not extreme tho). Anyone who has one would be great if you could let me know how much clearance you have (and on what suspension setup)

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Have you got a picture of what you have ordered? I think I have one, just want to check.
Standard wheels/suspension you will be fine. I have the LV-S and it’s wound all the way down on KW V3s. I have scraped it once on a particularly high speed bump but it’s no lower than my old M3.
Standard wheels/suspension you will be fine. I have the LV-S and it’s wound all the way down on KW V3s. I have scraped it once on a particularly high speed bump but it’s no lower than my old M3.
Thanks. Are you about 60mm dropped?
Yes 60mm. I have scraped it once on the corner underside but it was going down an unpaved road over a drainage channel so not the normal type of road!View attachment 154274
Nice! I won’t be going 60mm lower so should be good. I have Ravenna blue as well and that’s exactly the front I want for it :) Did you go painted grills or aftermarket? And are those blue trims painted or the coloured clip on ones?
Nice! I won’t be going 60mm lower so should be good. I have Ravenna blue as well and that’s exactly the front I want for it :) Did you go painted grills or aftermarket? And are those blue trims painted or the coloured clip on ones?
I bought the grills from Van Style but they took a bit of trimming and a lot of sweat to get them to fit. The blue bits are just the trims which came with the grill painted body colour. They are a bit fiddly to get out without breaking the clips but a hairdryer is your friend taking it apart.
Hi, I’ve bought this same chin and splitter. I have taken it to the body shop who are reluctant to fit it as they are worried it will come away eventually. Have you had any problems with yours?
No issues with the height of mine and the van is lowered 60mm. Only issue I have had was driving through a flood where the splitter popped off the bumper and I had to rivet it back on again.