She's an international super spy, don't be fooled by the stickers on the back window of her bus, it's just a ruse by Q to make you think that it has not been fettled with cannon and gatling guns. Here we all are, the pathetic male of the species, thinking she is just asking simple questions about side bars (but they are to house the flame throwers) and 'leisure' batteries (linked to the torture devices). It wasn't that she got up at 5am, she'd just come back from a mission to Moscow. She is fooling all of us @Buggirl has nothing to do with VW buggness, its actually Badass Undercover Girl.
Of course it could just be my over active imagination - coupled with currently watching Spectre!
Seems to me that you know far too much about the spy game we are all doomed at the t6forum meet up , time to spring into action as the A team and bullet proof my van from corn flakes boxes