Moving electrics from under drivers seat


Hi, I am in the process of putting electrics in van and routing cable from main battery, I have pulled out what I assumed to the the grommet that the cable goes through but it was attached to a pipe and seems to be some kind of breather and will be next to impossible to get the pipe back in, also this is the only hole behind the battery for the wire to go through, I have took a picture of the grommet,
Any help on this is appreciated

well thats not the AC drain as that looks like this.



do you have a sunroof?

I've herd that roof drains can come out in that area?


more info here on routing the cables. . .

the OEM route is behind the battery in in through the firewall next to the blower fan inlet.

Yes I have a sunroof, that’s what it must be, it’s coming from the exact spot as in the picture where the grommet is so I’ve routed the cable through anyway, the drain pipe is that’s what it is has came off and there is no way of me putting it back on either so hopefully won’t cause any issues
unfortunaly it will cause issues.

thats the front water drain for the sunroof.

its a rubber pipe that goes from the sunroof down the A-pillar then trough the firewall,

it drains rain water. . .

if you dont reconect it up in the scuttle panel area it will drain the water into the dash area and you will have water on the cab floor.

the drain follows this route down the passenger A-pillar. - the BLUE line.




you can remove the A-pillar trim to get to the tube, pull it back some,

then add on a small extension tube so you get get it outside the cab area.

there is also a hole to drain water at the bottom of the scuttle panel.

looks like you may be able to buy the tub and bung as separate parts . . .?

example below. - not a T6 diagram, but shows you the setup.


So I’m thinking of just drilling another hole a bit further up of the same size so I have better access to the existing pipe and also have a home for my electrics to go through, I located the pipe on the A pillar but seemed like if I pulled the pipe out it would be a struggle to route it back to the same spot, I’ve ordered some grommets for the new hole, would there be any issues doing it this way?
no, thats what others have done.

just rust proof any holes you drill.

it paint the cut hole with a touch-up pen. .