My inside rear-view mirror fell off and I want to buy new a new cover for it


New Member
Hello - Newbie here. I have a Candy White 2018 VW T6. 2 questions:

1–my webcam is always falling off because the windscreen always seems to steam up and have a lot of moisture - is this usual?

2–when trying to put said webcam back on the other night the inside rear-view mirror fell off. I managed to get it back on but broke several pieces of the 2-piece plastic casing/cover and would like to find a replacement. Can someone direct me to a place to get them?

VWT6_RearViewMirror _casing.jpg
Google the part numbers and you'll find you plastic parts.

Misting up windscreens could be a number of things relating to water ingress or ventilation. When was the pollen filter last changed?