Newbie T6 Owner (Electrical Help Please!)


New Member
Hello All,

We have just recently purchased our first newly converted T6 Van and honestly we have no idea how any of it works :slow rofl:

Would anyone be able to look at the below images of our setup and try and explain what we need to know about the whole electrical system

I think that I have a good idea on the basics but I'm getting a bit confused trying to read some of the manuals, its honestly like they're in a different language

Here is our setup

- 150w Solar Panel with controller
- 115amp leisure battery
- RCD Consumer Unit
- Ring Battery Charger
-Dometic 12v Fridge

The majority of the time we are away we will be on EHU, but I have been doing research and connecting to EHU wont charge the leisure battery unless you have a charger? Is this what the Ring Charger is for?
I'm under the impression that the fridge and the lights are working on the leisure battery and plugging into EHU wont make any difference to them and will only activate the plug socket that is in the middle of the switches in the picture?

If we are going away for a weekend we would want the fridge to be on the entire time, surely this would drain the leisure battery rather quickly... or have I already answered my own question by thinking that the Ring charger will keep the LB topped up from the EHU so that the battery wont run low?

On to my next point, I have attached a picture of the solar panel controller. What mode do I need to set it to? Currently the display screen is not showing anything and the left green led is blinking (I'm guessing to show its charging the battery) and the middle led is solid green (To show that the battery is fully charged)

Do I need to select any specific mode on the controller to keep the solar panel charging the battery constantly or is it just left as it is?

Lastly how am I supposed to know what percentage of charge my battery is on? There is a volt meter next to the switches and the obviously the led on the solar panel controller to show its charged but other than that I don't think that's a very accurate way of telling

Any Help is greatly appreciated Thank you

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I walked @wallport through some similar questions on this thread you may find helpful

Right now my immediate concerns would be the apparent loose wire circled in blue and the number of unfused black wires coming off the apparently positive battery terminal wired in yellow.

unnamed (1).jpg
Lastly how am I supposed to know what percentage of charge my battery is on? There is a volt meter next to the switches
The voltage of the battery at rest (no charging or significant load) will tell you

You have a flooded standard battery by the looks of it so you want to keep that above 50% if you can so don't let it drop below 12.0v - regularly discharge under this will significantly shorten the life and capacity of the battery.

aside from above. . .

a SHUNT type monitor can give you a 0-100% type reading for your battery.

more info here:


the victron shunt is very popular, -


Right now my immediate concerns would be the apparent loose wire circled in blue and the number of unfused black wires coming off the apparently positive battery terminal wired in yellow.

View attachment 246737

Is this something to be worried about? Those wires make zero sense to me. Not very technically minded when it comes to this, Its our first van.

Bought the van off someone who regularly does conversions and has sold a lot of these vans (I'm guessing they would all be set up exactly like this)

Means if there is an issue with it there will be a lot others out there with the same problem which isn't good...
The majority of the time we are away we will be on EHU, but I have been doing research and connecting to EHU wont charge the leisure battery unless you have a charger? Is this what the Ring Charger is for?
Yes that's what it is for. If you are on EHU make sure the charger is on and it will support the 12v leisure system. As an 8A charger there may be times where the load draws more from the battery but it will likely balance out and recharge in the other times given you seem to have a modest load.

I have to say that is not a good choice of a charger for a campervan, it's definitely chosen due to its price rather than suitability, you should really consider having it updated to something like on of the more suitable Victron chargers that will both be more powerful and take better care of the battery.

One of the reasons it's a bad choice is it's a 24v capable charger so it's very easy to set it to the wrong modes and the manual is pictorial and frankly awful.

You'll want it on the high current lower 12v setting which confusingly is a picture of a truck without a snow flake

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Actually can you get a clearer picture of the apparent loose wire?

Also a clearer picture of the battery - particularly the wording under the loop of wire - does that say Gel?


I would also very strongly recommend while you are doing that that you tuck the wire between the positive terminal and fuse AWAY from where it is currently apparently resting on the negative terminal, if that shorts then there is a very strong chance of a fire:

Actually can you get a clearer picture of the apparent loose wire?

Also a clearer picture of the battery - particularly the wording under the loop of wire - does that say Gel?

View attachment 246744

I would also very strongly recommend while you are doing that that you tuck the wire between the positive terminal and fuse AWAY from where it is currently apparently resting on the negative terminal, if that shorts then there is a very strong chance of a fire:

View attachment 246745

it reads ‘SFL’ underneath it says ‘Sealed For Life’ so I’m guessing that’s just what it’s related to.

Will take some more pictures later and move that wire out of the way

You can see it a little clearer here, looks like it’s just held into a screw?

If that's a screw what is it a screw into?

The only possible reason I can think of is either an attempt to connect to the chassis (if it's in to the metal body) or it's some "spare" wire held out of the way (if it's into the MDF panel)

Either of those is terrible wiring practice.

I'll be frank the state of the wiring around your battery is such I feel I really need to recommend you find a reputable auto electrician to have a look at it.
You say the van is a T6 so is it fitted with start stop?

If so you should have a DC-DC charger somewhere - do you have pictures of that?
We have just recently purchased our first newly converted T6 Van and honestly we have no idea how any of it works

Bought the van off someone who regularly does conversions and has sold a lot of these vans (I'm guessing they would all be set up exactly like this)

Did the converter not explain the system at all?

I have to say that is not a good choice of a charger for a campervan, it's definitely chosen due to its price rather than suitability, you should really consider having it updated to something like on of the more suitable Victron chargers that will both be more powerful and take better care.
There's an air of "cheapest possible parts that will get the job done" about the install, I have to say.

Like a (albeit, Victron) non Bluetooth PWM solar controller that costs £25 Vs a Bluetooth MPPT 75/15 for £55.

Battery is I think a Leoch SFL-115DT. Flooded lead acid.
Did the converter not explain the system at all?

There's an air of "cheapest possible parts that will get the job done" about the install, I have to say.

Like a (albeit, Victron) non Bluetooth PWM solar controller that costs £25 Vs a Bluetooth MPPT 75/15 for £55.

Battery is I think a Leoch SFL-115DT. Flooded lead acid.
My exact thinking…
Has start stop yes, relay under the bonnet by the battery
If it's a split charge relay then that's not suitable for your van.

Start stop will charge your battery to 80% to leave room for regenerative braking so with a discharge limit of 50% you are able to at most use 30% of your battery.

With a compressor fridge that's barely a day.

Can you show us some pictures of the starter battery and relay to double check?
Did the converter not explain the system at all?

There's an air of "cheapest possible parts that will get the job done" about the install, I have to say.

Like a (albeit, Victron) non Bluetooth PWM solar controller that costs £25 Vs a Bluetooth MPPT 75/15 for £55.

Battery is I think a Leoch SFL-115DT. Flooded lead acid.
Explained it briefly, but more of just the basics
Didn’t explain the wiring etc as that’s something we wouldn’t have even thought to ask as would have assumed it would have been set up professionally and wouldn’t have had to worry about anything
Hello All,

We have just recently purchased our first newly converted T6 Van and honestly we have no idea how any of it works :slow rofl:

Would anyone be able to look at the below images of our setup and try and explain what we need to know about the whole electrical system

I think that I have a good idea on the basics but I'm getting a bit confused trying to read some of the manuals, its honestly like they're in a different language

Here is our setup

- 150w Solar Panel with controller
- 115amp leisure battery
- RCD Consumer Unit
- Ring Battery Charger
-Dometic 12v Fridge

The majority of the time we are away we will be on EHU, but I have been doing research and connecting to EHU wont charge the leisure battery unless you have a charger? Is this what the Ring Charger is for?
I'm under the impression that the fridge and the lights are working on the leisure battery and plugging into EHU wont make any difference to them and will only activate the plug socket that is in the middle of the switches in the picture?

If we are going away for a weekend we would want the fridge to be on the entire time, surely this would drain the leisure battery rather quickly... or have I already answered my own question by thinking that the Ring charger will keep the LB topped up from the EHU so that the battery wont run low?

On to my next point, I have attached a picture of the solar panel controller. What mode do I need to set it to? Currently the display screen is not showing anything and the left green led is blinking (I'm guessing to show its charging the battery) and the middle led is solid green (To show that the battery is fully charged)

Do I need to select any specific mode on the controller to keep the solar panel charging the battery constantly or is it just left as it is?

Lastly how am I supposed to know what percentage of charge my battery is on? There is a volt meter next to the switches and the obviously the led on the solar panel controller to show its charged but other than that I don't think that's a very accurate way of telling

Any Help is greatly appreciated Thank you

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No disrespect, but surely these ought to have been the questions you asked the person you no doubt handed over a large wad of cash to for the conversion. You are asking the collective who can only second guess how it's all been put together & configured. The person to ask is the one who installed it.