Hi, first time postI’ve read through numerous threads looking for an answer but haven’t put my finger on exactly what’s happening.
2017 T6 - Interior light wont work on door open / unlock, works normally on the on / off position. I read the faults with an OBD and have attached them but they have cleared with a flick of the reset button. Wondering if they’re linked or something else may be going on.
I don’t have a leisure battery or any additional wiring around the van just yet as want to try as resolve this issue before installing any extra.
Any suggestions would be appreciated

2017 T6 - Interior light wont work on door open / unlock, works normally on the on / off position. I read the faults with an OBD and have attached them but they have cleared with a flick of the reset button. Wondering if they’re linked or something else may be going on.
I don’t have a leisure battery or any additional wiring around the van just yet as want to try as resolve this issue before installing any extra.
Any suggestions would be appreciated