For Sale Oem bits and bobs


@The.Grape.Escape.T6 Instagram
VIP Member
T6 Legend
Having a clear out, I have a lot of original bits which I have removed to fit mods.

Off the top of my head, I know I have

All Black Executive Option Mat for T6 Cab (captain and Bench 1 piece) - paid £68, sell for SOLD

Original VW Jack, comes with towing eye etc, £20 collected due to weight. Can potentially post.

T6 Bits

Oem side indicators with bulbs and holders £12 posted

Oem barn door high level brake light SOLD

Oem left grab handle (roof) £10 posted

Oem slide door step light case SOLD

Oem rear reg plate bulbs and holders SOLD

Sealed new gas bottle strap £10 posted

Negative bus bar brand new £6 posted

12v fuseboard SOLD

5m purple LED strip £10 posted

2 x brand new LED purple footwell neon's £15 posted

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Are they genuine eye level brakelights and if so what condition are they In please ?
The plastic tags break and contacts corrode
Are they genuine eye level brakelights and if so what condition are they In please ?
The plastic tags break and contacts corrode

Yes genuine and in perfect condition. My van has a spoiler on, so it's protected it against weather