Pop top roof rubbers


New Member
Hi! Does anyone know how to treat or maintain the rubber seals on the pop top roofs? Is there a product available to keep them clean and fresh to stop them sticking to the roof if not used for a while? Cheers Dave
I used WD40 Silicone spray, but I guess any silicone-based grease would do.
Mine have gone a bit manky and could do with a clean (algae build up at the back). I’ve been looking at various products at clean and condition them but not gone for anything yet.

The silicon spray would condition (I guess) but it wouldn’t clean I guess.
Yeah, just conditions and lubricates.
Gummi Pflege is great for treating rubber seals - designed specifically for the task. Popular with BMW owners to stop the windows freezing up and subsequently not dropping slightly as you open the door - stupid bloody system!
One tub should last you 10 years plus, basic silicone grease at a good price.
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Thanks guys my first post on any forum...very impressed!!!
Well, for a first-time poster, you didn't do too bad yourself, Dave - a meaningful thread title and a sensible question, posted in the relevant area of the forum. You'd be surprised how many newbies fail at those basics. :cool: