Power steering pump failure?


New Member
whilst in traffic yesterday, suddenly it whined like hell and now turning and driving is an absolute nightmare! when I looked at the fluid it was all bubbly and cavitated. Am I correct in assuming I need a new power steering pump?

Any recommendations on where to buy please?

Is it a big job to change?
Did you get any answer to your question. I've just had a similar problem but I notice the steering fluid level is low so I'm hoping a top up will solve the problem.
Did you get any answer to your question. I've just had a similar problem but I notice the steering fluid level is low so I'm hoping a top up will solve the problem.
So basically, my steering rack was totally knackered. Apparently it’s common over time for water to get into them and corrode them. I took it off and got it to a local company that refurbs them in Neath - south wales called bar props. They confirmed it was not serviceable and I had to buy a new one. I found a brand new one on eBay for £475. The mechanic chamged the D bushes and the drop links the same time as they were worn too. All seems back to normal now. The eBay item came next day delivery too.