Read This

Yep, you get a few intellectually challenged on ALL forums, that's called life. Oh, and some tools are useful, even if you can't see it at the time, you need them to complete a set. Be nice if you could keep them in their own toolbox, sadly one is normally left out, and is usually the one needed to complete a job.
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I think that is a little unfair. The person who asked the original question may not be the most mechanically minded but they could be experts in their field. I'm on both forums and try to contribute to both as are a few on here.
There are all sorts of people in the world. Live and let live. :)
@Teejay 1 I know you do , you posted the video for them but face it the plastic cover was on, yuo do not have to be mechanicly minded to remove that first and if they were not why were they fitting it in the first place. Mind you I've asked stupid questions myself like how do you get the MFD up.
I appreciate all constructive and good humoured contributions by anyone, dislike windup merchants, time wasters who comment to just create consternation, and people who think they are better, as we can all learn something new every day, if we can only take the time to listen. Sadly I have enough of my own problems to contend with.

My comments earlier were an attempt at light hearted humour using a play on words to follow on from the first post. The scary one is people who haven't got a clue who do their own brakes.. I have known "bikers" who have removed their front brake pads as they were down to metal, and continued to ride, just to have an accident where they couldn't stop, and then expected sympathy... They got a lecture instead!
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@Teejay 1 I know you do , you posted the video for them but face it the plastic cover was on, yuo do not have to be mechanicly minded to remove that first and if they were not why were they fitting it in the first place. Mind you I've asked stupid questions myself like how do you get the MFD up.

Agreed, the plastic cap was quite a silly/lazy question? I know that some ask on forums because it is often quicker than searching for the answer on the t'interweb.

I asked a question on here pretty early on about how to access the fuses behind the drink holder. I've searched for about two weeks, various searches. I didn't really want to ask on here for fear of the snide replies. But @Pauly answered pretty quickly and saved me many more fruitless searches.

Doesn't take much to start a spat on forums the other California one has had a few. Some before my time and some about the time I joined. Brexit was the starter it got pretty nasty and petty.

Any way think I'm wandering off topic, I'll let someone else have a turn.

Onwards and upwards :)

..message ends...
I thought it was quite funny and TBH, the sort of thing I'd probably do.
However that forum is utterly ruined by a small number (who I could happily name but won't) who constantly post nonsense, belittle everyone, patronise and are completely and utterly incapable of taking any criticism of a California.
I basically got hounded out for discussing non stop issues with our T5.1 - ones that are now MUCH worse now as the T5.1s get older (a proper "I told you so" to that lot). A few didn't like it, kicked up a big fuss, talked total BS and bang; that was it. Months of contributions, reviews, help with all sorts down the toilet while some utterly manipulative waste goon more or less took over.
Oh and one of the "founders" (the other is fine) was also a nasty, back stabbing A hole.

So I hope and hope that we attract more disaffected (or happy) Cali forum owners to this forum because it's MUCH more informative, level headed, useful, there's a far better "vibe" and very little snobbery and nonsense. The other forum gives Calis a really bad name - I don't care how many discounts they manage to blag, they are muppets.

Vent over.
I thought it was quite funny and TBH, the sort of thing I'd probably do.
However that forum is utterly ruined by a small number (who I could happily name but won't) who constantly post nonsense, belittle everyone, patronise and are completely and utterly incapable of taking any criticism of a California.
I basically got hounded out for discussing non stop issues with our T5.1 - ones that are now MUCH worse now as the T5.1s get older (a proper "I told you so" to that lot). A few didn't like it, kicked up a big fuss, talked total BS and bang; that was it. Months of contributions, reviews, help with all sorts down the toilet while some utterly manipulative waste goon more or less took over.
Oh and one of the "founders" (the other is fine) was also a nasty, back stabbing A hole.

So I hope and hope that we attract more disaffected (or happy) Cali forum owners to this forum because it's MUCH more informative, level headed, useful, there's a far better "vibe" and very little snobbery and nonsense. The other forum gives Calis a really bad name - I don't care how many discounts they manage to blag, they are muppets.

Vent over.
I bet that feels better now? T6 forum VIP membership - better than a shrinks couch every time, and cheaper.:thumbsup:;)
I thought it was quite funny and TBH, the sort of thing I'd probably do.
However that forum is utterly ruined by a small number (who I could happily name but won't) who constantly post nonsense, belittle everyone, patronise and are completely and utterly incapable of taking any criticism of a California.
I basically got hounded out for discussing non stop issues with our T5.1 - ones that are now MUCH worse now as the T5.1s get older (a proper "I told you so" to that lot). A few didn't like it, kicked up a big fuss, talked total BS and bang; that was it. Months of contributions, reviews, help with all sorts down the toilet while some utterly manipulative waste goon more or less took over.
Oh and one of the "founders" (the other is fine) was also a nasty, back stabbing A hole.

So I hope and hope that we attract more disaffected (or happy) Cali forum owners to this forum because it's MUCH more informative, level headed, useful, there's a far better "vibe" and very little snobbery and nonsense. The other forum gives Calis a really bad name - I don't care how many discounts they manage to blag, they are muppets.

Vent over.

And relax....deep cleansing breath and out, thinking of green fields, bird song. ;)

That's the trouble with these things (forums and social media), it's very easy to be the big man when you are anonymous. If they responded like that in a pub they'd be on their arse.

bang right in the kisser (Family Guy quote)

.. message ends...
Agreed, the plastic cap was quite a silly/lazy question? I know that some ask on forums because it is often quicker than searching for the answer on the t'interweb.

I asked a question on here pretty early on about how to access the fuses behind the drink holder. I've searched for about two weeks, various searches. I didn't really want to ask on here for fear of the snide replies. But @Pauly answered pretty quickly and saved me many more fruitless searches.

Doesn't take much to start a spat on forums the other California one has had a few. Some before my time and some about the time I joined. Brexit was the starter it got pretty nasty and petty.

Any way think I'm wandering off topic, I'll let someone else have a turn.

Onwards and upwards :)

..message ends...

I read the Brexit post and thought they were pathetic how they bitched on, I dicided it was not for me after that and left.
You know a few of us who own Cali's on here dislike the Cali forum because as we think most of them are bunch of tools well read this thread and see what you think
Fitting spare wheel lock
Made me chuckle
Reminds me of an old joke;

(Adapted to situation)
"Do you have your Cali keys and can you return it to the dealers immediately?"
"Why, is it that serious?"
"Yes, you are too stupid to own one!"
