Rear Ended 10mph


Vehicle Wrapper
VIP Member
T6 Pro
I got a slight bump in queuing traffic at a roundabout today the van that hit me could have only been doing 10mph had a very small scratch in paint work (I think they had no insurance and were getting quite aggressive I had my little girl with me who was getting upset so I took the option of just getting out of the situation) just wondered if I should be looking for anything in the chassis from underneath? None of the clips broke on bumper and sensors still all good and in place? Thanks
I’d doubt is any proper damage was done. Pity about their attitude though
Thanks I’m going to get it checked out but more piece of mind. Yeah really bad considering my 7 year old was there
I had a similar bump in the past.

Rear bumper had some paint scuffs but looked ok... So thought nothing more about it.

About a year later the rear PDC started messing about for a month or two, then stopped working completely.

Looking into the fault it worked out the bump had crushed by the PDC wire loom behind the bumper cover and bumper support.

It has also snapped a sensor mounting bracket and deformed the bumper support.

The crushed wire had exposed the copper in a couple of places.... Which started to corrode, eventually causing a fault and broken wire.

Was an easy fix.... But took a while to show itself.


I'd take a good look at all the bumper supports and mounts, if any are snapped it might be a sign of a harder bump than you thought.

Having a towbar fitted will change things slightly due to the towbar bracket.
I had a similar bump in the past.

Rear bumper had some paint scuffs but looked ok... So thought nothing more about it.

About a year later the rear PDC started messing about for a month or two, then stopped working completely.

Looking into the fault it worked out the bump had crushed by the PDC wire loom behind the bumper cover and bumper support.

It has also snapped a sensor mounting bracket and deformed the bumper support.

The crushed wire had exposed the copper in a couple of places.... Which started to corrode, eventually causing a fault and broken wire.

Was an easy fix.... But took a while to show itself.


I'd take a good look at all the bumper supports and mounts, if any are snapped it might be a sign of a harder bump than you thought.

Having a towbar fitted will change things slightly due to the towbar bracket.
Thanks Dell, I’ll check it out