Has anybody bought and installed a rear view mirror dash cam directly to their T6 windscreen. I now have a Wolfbox G840S. It was given to me by them when their D07 GoPro type I was using failed. I hot wired it directly to the fuse box and used the old rear camera and wiring saving the nightmare of a days work hiding the wire away again and it’s working fine. However, it has to be strapped on to the original mirror, which is a bit ugly. Wolfbox make an adapter so it can be installed directly to the windscreen. Seemed a good idea, so I bought it. Unfortunately Volkswagens ball and socket windscreen fitting is a unique twist and pull and the adapter has the generic slide over and jam type. Thought I’d be able to unstick the windscreen part and replace it. Tried all the usual methods to remove glued things including solvent and very thin filleting knife. It wont budge. Feels almost like it’s bolted or welded there as the thin knife goes in about five mms then hits something solid. In these situations there are normally many destructive options but I have to be careful as I’m working against the glass. Hoping someone might have some experience of replacing the rear view mirror windscreen mount. It’s a basic T6 Startline type with no wiring.