Removing adhesive pad from windscreen


AutoCAD engineer
VIP Member
T6 Legend
Hi guys,

On my Golf, there's a dashcam stuck to the windscreen next to the rear view mirror with what looks to be like an adhesive pad. I want to remove the dashcam as its not required but im a bit unsure on how to remove it. Any suggestions? Dental floss maybe??

Cheers all
Maybe give it a bit of heat with a hairdryer and then try to peel it off. Any residue should clean of with isoprop
Warmth and a good plastic spudger or try and get some IPA to soak in are my go to.

Dash cam pads tend to be like a thick sticky rubber so if you get it peeling you might find it can be persuaded off with a good pull and hold the tension.
I'm a big fan of Sticky Stuff Remover but, to me anyway, it smells horrible and I can't stand the greasy residue that it leaves behind. At least with Isopropyl / IPA the screen is left almost clean when you've finished and you can treat yourself to a quick swig to celebrate a job well done.
I've successfully removed residue from duck tape and double sided pads from oak doors using this stuff today... Together with a filler blade they came up a treat... Was shown tip off decorator today. I've previously tried unsuccessfully methylated spirits, wd40, ultra grime wipes ,cif and plenty of elbow grease to name a few! 1000114357.jpg
