Replacement Headunit £400<


New Member
To cut a long story short, I had an Alpine Halo F903D in my T6, never really got in with, but it did the job and had Apple CarPlay.
Last week the touch function on the screen stopped working so I couldn’t change anything, did a reset etc, took the screen off to look for a loose connection and somehow broke the PCB, so basically the cost of fixing is not viable.
I need a replacement headunit, I have got hardly any budget so probably £400 max as I’ll have to pay someone to fit it.
What would you recommend, don’t mind if it’s second hand.
To cut a long story short, I had an Alpine Halo F903D in my T6, never really got in with, but it did the job and had Apple CarPlay.
Last week the touch function on the screen stopped working so I couldn’t change anything, did a reset etc, took the screen off to look for a loose connection and somehow broke the PCB, so basically the cost of fixing is not viable.
I need a replacement headunit, I have got hardly any budget so probably £400 max as I’ll have to pay someone to fit it.
What would you recommend, don’t mind if it’s second hand.
Give me a ring mate I have a few options for you no problem