Rib Bed Head Rest Removal

miguel 32

VIP Member
T6 Pro
For anyone interested or currently doing anything regarding the removal of the head rest on the Rib Bed i obtained this info from the manufacturer it might be of help to someone.

Please see attached some pictures showing how to remove the headrest : you must push the R-clips that you can feel through the fabric, and at the same time pull-it up (it’s easier with a second pair of hands).



COULISSE AT 3P Goupille.jpeg

For anyone interested or currently doing anything regarding the removal of the head rest on the Rib Bed i obtained this info from the manufacturer it might be of help to someone.

Please see attached some pictures showing how to remove the headrest : you must push the R-clips that you can feel through the fabric, and at the same time pull-it up (it’s easier with a second pair of hands).

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Thanks @miguel 32. A great help, hopefully. No wonder I couldn't find a catch or clip with it buried down there. I was on the verge of destroying it in frustration last year but luckily I didn't. It still needs repairing but I know what I'm looking for now, so tomorrow I'll be out there having another go at removal. I'll update this if I'm successful.
Thanks for the pictures @miguel 32 it gave me the incentive to have a go but it’s not quite as simple as in the picture. I’m not even able to raise the headrest as it’s completely jammed. Those clips cannot be felt below the 2’” of foam at the front and also the back/bedside of the seat. So I had a go at undoing the zip on the seat cover, hoping I can roll it up to gain access. Unfortunately the zip is is not for undoing as it’s stitched in and even after I had undone those stitches and peeled the cover away from the seat swivel I found the zip doubled back on itself with no pull tag at either end. All I could do then, as I was already committed, was hand pull the zip apart. I’ll try to restitch it back in later. I peeled the cover up as far as I could but still couldn’t get high enough from the front. I had to force my hand through a gap in the cushioning at the back and finally when up past my elbow I found the clip. There is very little room to manipulate but I eventually realised the groove it sits in on the head rest bar is only a notch and by turning and twisting the clip I was able to get the two clips off. By then I’d been doubled up in the van for too long and my back was suffering. Episode two tomorrow, when I’ll be trying to find a way to pull the head rest up and off. Repair it, lubricate it, put it all back together and stitch the zip back in.

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That was exactly the same scenario for me i did the same and eventually got to the clips by forcing my way up through the front of the seat i also had the same issue with the zip but managed to fix after what seemed like ages of faffing around and as you say an aching back.
I needed a day away from it to let all my vertebrae get straight again. Yesterday though, with a struggle, I got the head rest off. The jamming is from the steel guidance tubes. I used WD40 on the bars and managed to get enough transferred on to those tubes to make it a bit easier. However, I did not put the clips back on! The head rest is not actually damaged but it’s a ridiculous design. The cover is not fixed on the frame, just tucked in, so every time I raise the back from the horizontal it pulls the cover off with all the packing. It’s head scratching time again while I think of a way to secure it. Plus I still have the zip slot at the back to close and that wont be easy as it’s only a few inches from the rear galley. If It’s impossible to work down there I’ll remove the whole seat. Might try velcro to close the zip gap. Perhaps it'll work on the the headrest too.
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