Andrew Wilson
New Member
does anyone know if there is somewhere that will do a p/x on a rnr bed for a rib I have a brand new conversion and now realise I should have gone with the Rib
A RIB is make of rock and roll bed. They're widely regarded as the best on the market with the layout and movement of the conversion from seat to bed being unique. The seat is contoured where you sit on the base and back with integrated headrests. The rear part of the bed is horizontal allowing you to have storage underneath and on top where a 'conventional' rock and roll has the rear angled part of the bed reducing the storage space. The base of the seat flips over 180 degrees allowing for stuff to be left on the floor as nothing moves, the back of the bed then folds flat into the space where the base was, the rear of that panel is flat. The rear part is flat but can be moved up and put at various angles.
To the op, the only way i can imagine someone would swap would be through the converter. People who have a RIB wouldn't want to swap to a conventional R'n'r I don't think.
@drew_greenday - the rear part of your bed is horizontal, whereas ours sits in the upright position when not used as a bed; is that deliberate, or are there different types of RIBs?
The RIB is quite comfortable, but we also have a shaped 2" mattress topper from Comfortz Leisure, and the wife reckons that the van is more comfortable than the bed at home (possibly also because I am banished to the pop top while she's on the main bed with the baby!)
Its good because the stuff we put below the "parcel shelf" permanently lives there out of sight and can stay there, if required, for a particular trip/stay without the need to shuffle things around when making the bed up.We always have ours upright, but might give the parcel shelf idea a whirl, as this would add some much needed depth to the boot
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