Ring RSCDC30 and Lithium Battery


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T6 Guru
Hi has anyone tried this setup? I have a problem that the Lithium Battery (Xtreme LifePO4)
seems to give full power but then drops of the end of the power curve and leave the RSCDC with no power so starting the van cannot put any power into the Leisure battery. Ring tell me that they have not tested RSCD with Lithium Batteries and you need at least 7v in the target battery for it to function.
Is it best to go back to Lead/Acid?
I'm not a lecky person, but when I researched lithium batteries for a bike build, I read just what you have mentioned, that they were all or nothing.

Also in low temps, you have to 'warm' them up by putting something on like lights for a few seconds, almost like waking it up.
Thanks. Pretty much as I thought. I should have stuck with tried and tested from the start.