Road tax £240

I've just looked on the government website on rates and it says any vehicle with a list price (before any discounts) of more than £40,000 has to pay an extra £310 per year on top of the normal rate for that vehicle, is this correct?
Not applicable if it's registered as a van (light good vehicle) - the £250 we are currently paying is being looked at with a view to removing the anomaly whereby someone with a Euro 4 or 5 van pays less (£140) than someone with a Euro 6 - my guess its the older vans that will go up and Euro 6 staying about the same rather than coming down!!
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Government website quote:

Vehicles with a list price of more than £40,000
You have to pay an extra £310 a year if you have a car or motorhome with a ‘list price’ (the published price before any discounts) of more than £40,000.

You only have to pay this rate for 5 years (from the second time the vehicle is taxed).
Government website quote:

Vehicles with a list price of more than £40,000
You have to pay an extra £310 a year if you have a car or motorhome with a ‘list price’ (the published price before any discounts) of more than £40,000.

You only have to pay this rate for 5 years (from the second time the vehicle is taxed).
Registered after 1st April 2017?
I'm sure there used to be website that you put your reg number in, and it told you how much your tax would be, but cannot find it now.
Probably because the UK government make anything official so complex, that third party websites are confused themselves.
I'm sure there used to be website that you put your reg number in, and it told you how much your tax would be, but cannot find it now.
Probably because the UK government make anything official so complex, that third party websites are confused themselves.
You can get it via this link - you need to enter your registration and then follow the link to get at the tax rates - you'll need the 11 digit ref from your V5C:-
Yes it has to be registered from new as a car or motorhome to be hit with the new extra tax for over £40k when new. I was desperate for mine to arrive before this came in and relieved when it was delivered in Feb 17.

Checked my paperwork and the £190 was right as it was registered from new as a car/motorhome rather than van. It's since gone up to £215. I'm more confused reading all these posts.
I'm due to pick up my new, 2018 kombi edition next month.
It's a 150 DSG with a list price of £40,877, plus some extras takes the price to just over £42,000. I'm getting quite a good discount off the list price plus £2,000 scrappage for my old transit.
Without a registration number how can I calculate the cost of the tax?
I'm pretty sure Kombis are classed and registered as cars. As a consequence you will be taxed according to CO2 emissions plus get stung with the extra £310 pa because list price is over £40k - dealer discounts and scrappage are irrelevant. Dealer should be able to confirm.
Kombis are taxed as Commercial vans at a standard £250 . It just gets slightly complicated with regards to HMRC and personal use of a Kombi as they judge it to be a car.
I thought the Coca Cola case last year changed all that - from what you're saying though (and scanning the case judgement) this just applies to business use, BIK rates, etc.. and not vehicle registration and VED?? Anyone with a recently registered Kombi able to confirm what their V5 says?

When is a van not a van? When it’s a car
mines around 240 plus 25 or so for ad blue that surpose to be helping emissions so weres our deductions euro 6
Euro 4 vans (<3500kg) registered between 1st March 2003 and 31st December 2006 and Euro 5 vans registered between 1st January 2009 and 31st December 2010 get the reduced road tax so I'm presuming your T5 was registered in one of those two sets of dates.

Considering the emissions our vans give out (or even the ones that VW claims) we don't do badly. Unless you have a car registered after 1st April 2017, if you applied our emissions to a car, the road tax would be much more..........and the first year's road tax for cars registered after 1st April 2017 require a second mortgage!
Yes, just another excuse to fill their pockets....Not that they need one since Brexit!!!
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