SCA pop top trim problem


New Member
The trim around my pop top (SCA 190 deluxe) has lost any grip it ever had on the edge of the pop top roof consequently hanging down when I raise the roof. It takes ages to put back each time I lower the roof. I have given the edge a good clean and tried to refit the trim with no success. I need to know how the trim is secured to the edge - is adhesive or mastic used or anything else or is it supposed to rely purely on friction?
It’s a “sprung” clip like push on edge fit like the old car’s door seals. I’d try pressing / squeezing the open edges tighter together with pliers so it’s narrower . That should provide a tighter push fit. Not too harsh till you get the feel of how much pressure to exert.
See below for the type of push on mech.

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