I bought some seat mount blanking plates off eBay that were pretty flimsy. The little arms broke off on two of them. To improve the fit I’ve glued in some foam packing and they sit pretty well now.
I moaned at the eBay seller about the quality so they sent me 8 more. I don’t need them so they’re free (excl. postage) to anyone who’d like them (bear in mind two have the arms broken but with the foam they sit well). I have more foam as well if you’d like.
I moaned at the eBay seller about the quality so they sent me 8 more. I don’t need them so they’re free (excl. postage) to anyone who’d like them (bear in mind two have the arms broken but with the foam they sit well). I have more foam as well if you’d like.
FREE - Seat mount / bracket covers
As I mentioned in this thread, I've got 8 covers you can have for free which fit my T6 seat brackets. Adding some foam to the underside makes a surer fit.