Not long after I got my Shuttle the second-row driver side lever seized, which meant the seat wouldn't tilt for access, the local dealer fixed the problem, and when I asked what they had done I was told they fitted a repair kit oh if you have a "repair kit" does that mean this is a known problem and was told "no" strange why they would have a "repair kit", less than a week later as we were about to get in the van my wife said to me there is no lever on the passenger side to tilt the seat, and when I walked round to show her how to do it there was no lever, it was missing completely no evidence of a lever, but it was there before the visit to the dealer, eventually the dealer fixed it (too long of a story for today) the lever is not covered by warranty, the passenger one has started to seize up again my question to members is has anyone have a similar problem? is this a known fault that VW ignore?