Shelf ideas - Rear Cupboard

Hi, I’m looking for some ideas for the rear cupboard on a converted T6. The camper has a standard style long cupboard that goes along the side of the rock and roll bed. There is a sliding door at the side and a small cupboard door at the rear. What are members doing to maximise this space? It’s quite a tall cupboard so that top part is a waste of space and could do with a shelf of some sort to go inside. Are these available to buy anywhere or is it a DIY job. Any other ideas? Thanks in advance!
I’m looking to put a couple of shelves in the front half by the tambour door and maybe a single shelf in the rear half accessed by the door at the back. It’ll be a DIY job from ply and possibly carpet covered to reduce rattling. I may do a similar single shelf in the lower cupboard too as this is huge but only accessible by the small rear door.

I’m looking to put a couple of shelves in the front half by the tambour door and maybe a single shelf in the rear half accessed by the door at the back. It’ll be a DIY job from ply and possibly carpet covered to reduce rattling. I may do a similar single shelf in the lower cupboard too as this is huge but only accessible by the small rear door.

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Thanks, what’s your thoughts on how you will hold it in place. The sliding door really reduces options to attach brackets. The one on my van slides horizontally rather than vertical for nearly the full length of the cupboard. I was thinking about trying the rectangular blocks that screw in for kitchen shelving units and using really short screws. What re you considering? Wrapping the ply in carpet is a good call.
I’m going to make it self supporting with sides and then the shelves. Then something to stop the whole thing moving within the cupboard. Meant to say that Yorkshire Poptop Adventures on YouTube did something like this a while back.
@Jimquested this is the shelf I put in our long cupboard, which serves us very well and makes good use of the space at the top.

I obtained an off cut of the laminate material to match the main panelling. However in the end I used an Ikea door, which is suitable grey colour and has an edge lip which I put at the front. It is cut to fit snugly and screwed through from behind the walling. I am aware though that’s its an mdf not ply material so less strong than I’d like. Cupboard lights were from Wilco, sadly missed, but I’m sure there are others available.

@Jimquested this is the shelf I put in our long cupboard, which serves us very well and makes good use of the space at the top.

I obtained an off cut of the laminate material to match the main panelling. However in the end I used an Ikea door, which is suitable grey colour and has an edge lip which I put at the front. It is cut to fit snugly and screwed through from behind the walling. I am aware though that’s its an mdf not ply material so less strong than I’d like. Cupboard lights were from Wilco, sadly missed, but I’m sure there are others available.

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Thanks, it looks really good! Sorry just to clarify have you screwed through the cupboard left/right side when looking at the second picture? Also, do you know what material the paneling is generally made of that lines the inside of the vans that have been converted. I was thinking of screwing into this for the shelf and also putting some netted pockets on the side of the van near the rock and roll bed. Thanks for the advice.
I’m going to make it self supporting with sides and then the shelves. Then something to stop the whole thing moving within the cupboard. Meant to say that Yorkshire Poptop Adventures on YouTube did something like this a while back.
Thanks. I’ll take a look at the video
@Jimquested yes I screwed through the panels from the left and right hand side. Access to the other side limited the range of possible shelf positions, but the result has been fine. This panelling is the standard lightweight ply like that most often used in conversions. The shelf is a tight fit into the width.