Show us ya pits


VIP Member
T6 Pro
Has anyone got a home inspection pit?? After fitting a diesel heater to my van a couple of years ago I swore I would NEVER crawl around on my back under a motor again! Since then we’ve added another little vehicle to the family….. let’s call it a Bazda Mongo… which needs constant messing about with so I fancy a pit. How hard can it be? Big ole. Bit of concrete in the bottom. Some walls…. There are some blinders on Pinterest but they could all be AI generated these days so looking for real inspiration.
I also have frequent moments of madness when I consider digging an inspection pit, but I think when you add up the cost of bricks / blocks, concrete, angle iron, sleepers, hiring a digger if you haven't got one, getting rid of the spoil, etc, I think it'd be getting near the cost of a two post lift, which is in some ways more useful especially for wheels off jobs. I suppose it depends if you've got sufficient headroom for a lift.