Sliding door wont latch shut


VIP Member
Evening all. I attempted to close my sliding door the other evening and it just would not latch on to the mech, it just rolled back. I took took the panel off and wiggled about with cables and the latch itself, and it eventually closed. Nothing was obstructing it. Its been OK since but don't want this happening when we're out and about and if its raining.
Also the rear barn door will sometimes be temperamental in opening, I pull the lever and there is no resistance, I have to slightly push forward for it to grab and then it opens. Anyone had this?
This happened to me not long after I got my van and I called VW Assist who changed some parts in the locking mechanism to sort it. It happened again about 6 months later but on that occasion I fiddled with the inside handle, pushed the button down and fiddled with the handle again and all was OK again. It's happened 2 or 3 times in the intervening 3 or so years and playing about with the interior handle and locking button has sorted it each time - sorry, but I can't remember the sequence but suggest you just have a play.
I have a 2017 Shuttle (LWB, two sliding doors) and one of the passengers was a little slow with exit and closing the sliding door. I had remotely locked the vehicle and then I heard the door close. I went to check the door, manually opened the door, unlocked the vehicle using the remote and then tried to close the door. The door would not close. It seemed to be a mechanical issue. I could not solve the problem and tied the door closed using a boot lace to get home. Investigation and trial and error showed no response, mechanically or from the electrics. I tried fiddling with the inside handle as suggested by Ayjay above. After three or four jiggles, the electrics kicked in, problem solved, at least for now. Thanks Ayjay.
Evening all - HELP!!! Just got back from taking the dog for a wee before bed whilst away camping, and now the sliding door doesn't latch shut when I slide it to try and close it.
If you have power latching the door module could be the cause. My sliding door would intermittently fail to latch problem traced to a faulty door module, located in the c pillar. If manual closing then other than some obstruction which you would notice no other advice.