Van now purchased, so it's time start thinking seriously about the conversion.
We want a sliding seat/bed system. Although they're pricey. we're reasonably convinced this will give us the flexibility we want. As far as I can tell, the main options are :
We want a sliding seat/bed system. Although they're pricey. we're reasonably convinced this will give us the flexibility we want. As far as I can tell, the main options are :
- California rails and seats
- A system like Uberflux from Uberbus using Rib seats on rails
- Does anyone have experience of both and able to add any comparison thoughts?
- Uberbus publish their prices, but I haven't found guide prices for the Cali seat approach
- Planning to talk to Uberbus, and Oxford motorhomes seem to get lots of recommendations too. I'm Hampshire based - anyone have suggestions for other converters worth talking too? (Celtic Motorhomes have been highly recommended to me for Cali seats/rails, but possibly out of range)