Solar panel CTEK connection

Don’t know I’m afraid.
Just wondering how you are getting on with your solar charging?
Did you manage to find out if both battery and solar panel negatives are connected to your Ctek?
Also noticed that your Ctek is a 250sa Which does not mention suitable for LiFOS type batteries however the 250se model is compatible, if this is a new install I would question it with your installe.
The lifos spec sheet states.

D250sa compatible.

But will only charge to 80% as it doesnt have a lithium profile (higher voltage.. the d250se is the upgraded version)

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Hi, my CTEK 250sa was installed just before the lithium compatible CTEK was released - over 2 years ago. As far as I’m aware it works fine but is only capable of charging the battery to 80% as opposed to the se which will charge to 100%. The installer did make sure there was a direct charging lead to the battery though so when on hook up I can can charge it to 100%.
I‘m loathe to remove the passenger seat again tbh as I’m 99.9% sure that it’s all wired correctly, several people have checked. My Lifos/Sargent/solar panel combination has always been unpredictable but it’s there and I’ve just learned to deal with it’s frustrating idiosyncratic behaviour. It was sunny all yesterday and despite the solar panel feed being active my LiFOS app suggested the battery SOC dropped from 52% to 50%. Doesn’t get much sunnier up here so not great!
Mind you, my Sargent control panel seemed to think the Lifos was fully charged…
Appreciate your interest but I think I have a Friday afternoon job as far as the battery monitoring and control panel goes, at least everything (lights, fridge, heater, water pump etc) actually works - it’s the monitoring that’s all to pot.