Strange noise (drivetrain?) followed by warning graphic.


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T6 Pro
Had an odd judder and noise pop up while calmly driving along at 30 in 4th gear.
I have a Carista somewhere which I’ll investigate further with.
Wondered if anyone recognises my poor drawing.
Looked some like this in the centre of the clocks in white.
Went away very quickly.
Felt like the van jumping out of gear.
6 speed manual 150hp.
Sadly nothing like that one.
I’ll do some more digging. A bit like the lane info on the mfd is the closest I can think.
Page 16 of the manual (available to download here ) lists the warning symbols. I'm not sure if it's every symbol that you might see but I didn't see one that looks like that? My first thought was some kind of lane assist.
Closest to that is lane assist on but not active ( white is information only, not a warning/error )
Hazzard avoidance/ braking? Mine does this occasionally when it thinks there’s an impending collision.
Yes I should have been clearer-its that symbol but in white I think. It only pops up for a few seconds. I just found the image on tinternet!
Sounds similar to what happened to me (and scared the living daylights out of me!)
Posted about it here: Unexplained warning symbol - emergency braking?
This sounds very much like my experience. From the noise/jolt I thought a nut had dropped in to the gearbox. Not a nice experience. I'm guessing there is a way to turn all of this off? Active cruise control does me dirty sometimes and have wondered about turning off all the "helpful" things like this.
I've had a few of the warnings too - I don't think there is a persistent way to turn it off as it's part of the crash rating for the vehicle type - but yes the auto braking is certainly aggressive, it sounds likes it's pulsing pretty hard to get maximum brake.

I've found setting the warning to early not late is the way to go. You do get a few more spurious alarms but it seems by having the system react earlier means you get less actual braking - that may be down to me intervening anyway or it may be that it allows the system more time to realise it's spurious and back off rather than having to initiate braking "just in case"

The fun one is the McDonalds at Solstice Services - the drive through lane is right by the parking but separated by a small kerb so that as you reverse out of the bays the lane is right where the radar thinks the traffic coming around the corner will hit you - I've had it trigger twice in the same manoeuvre there!