Swop Single Front Seat To Double


Investment Management
T6 Pro

Just in the process of lining my new T6 van and we are planning to swop the front passenger Captains chair for a double.

Presumably the double will have more fixings? Before I take up the carpet (and buy a seat) does anyone know if the van will have the holes already in place? so I can lift in and bolt down?

No elec seats

Not sure about the answer to your question but it may be worth bearing in mind that if your van was built as single seat, it is likely to have a different (smaller) passenger airbag than one built with a double seat. They are interchangeable but at a not inconsiderable cost. This is what swayed us away from doing the same.
Hi MW we have a double in 2018 which we want to replace for single happy to do a deal base in north east happy to travel if needs be, any good?
hi mate swapped mine from dbl to single you not far from me I think still got bolts and holes visible in van floor if you want to look you can just pm me
Hi all,

I didn't realise a new/different airbag was required, and whilst I am sure people know what they are doing I don't want to go altering my new 30k van, warranty, possible damage etc so we will just live with it for a while.

Happy Christmas all
if you change you mind I got a spare dbl seat you can use to try out for fitment \practical purposes when you put it in you may prefer a pair of singles :)

Just in the process of lining my new T6 van and we are planning to swop the front passenger Captains chair for a double.

Presumably the double will have more fixings? Before I take up the carpet (and buy a seat) does anyone know if the van will have the holes already in place? so I can lift in and bolt down?

No elec seats

have you swoped the seats yet