

New Member
Hi everyone
Could anyone shed some light on this please ,
My van has been smoking on start up for a while , but now it is chucking out black smoke as I go through the gears , 4&5 gear it feels like the engine is pinking as it’s pumping out smoke until I lift my foot of the gas , I read in my manual it could be injectors or management system ? Can any one help me please
I would recommend getting the vehicle scanned using proper VCDS. If you can find a friendly forum member locally they may be able to help. Armed with a full vehicle scan, some of the experts on here will be able to offer a lot more insight than without.
Second guessing a fault based on purely physical symptoms can be unnecessarily expensive.
Welcome to the Forum.
You don't tell us what engine you have but I'm assuming it's diesel.
Is it high mileage? How old is it? Are there any warning lights or EML lights showing?
It seems likely that your engine has issues of some sort but it may be more complicated than that because your DPF should be filtering the soot out of the exhaust gases.
I would recommend getting the vehicle scanned using proper VCDS. If you can find a friendly forum member locally they may be able to help. Armed with a full vehicle scan, some of the experts on here will be able to offer a lot more insight than without.
Second guessing a fault based on purely physical symptoms can be unnecessarily expensive.
Thank you so much, I will look in to this more throughly as you suggested.