T6 Air Con Drain Pipe



I’ve never really used the air con on my T6 since I’ve had it but just recently due to the weather I’ve had it on. It works just fine whe. I’ve used it for small periods of 10-20 mins.

Compared to my car though I’ve noticed that there is never any water on my drive after the air con had been running. It’s as if the condensate is not coming out.

I’ve checked the drain pipe in the engine bay and it’s dry as is the passenger foot well so I don’t think it’s blocked.

I’ve checked the drain pipe and I can’t see that there is anything stuck though I can’t really get very far up the pipe with a small brush.

Is this anything I should be concerned about and if so what else can I check as I’m worried there isn’t any visible condensate.

Any help appreciated such as photos or links.

Kind Regards

I have removed the A/C drain pipe and checked it. It is perfectly clear and bone dry.

I ran the A/C with the pipe off and a pot under the passenger side but absolutely no condensate appeared. The A/C is lovely and cold though.

Do I have a bigger problem or is this because the A/C has basically been unused for over a year?

I can see no other condensate anywhere and the van does not smell other than a brief pong when I start the AC which I guess is due to lack of use and maybe a cabin filter change needed.

Any help or advice appreciated.
Update 2.

Just as a minor addition there is quite cold air coming out of the drain pipe under the passenger side so there isn’t an internal blockage further up in the system. There just appears to not be enough water vapour in that air to condense?

Does this seem normal?
Just a case of relative humidity & temperature I suspect.
You can check the AC static and running pressure with Carista, from what I remember 7Bar is the correct static pressure.
Just a case of relative humidity & temperature I suspect.
You can check the AC static and running pressure with Carista, from what I remember 7Bar is the correct static pressure.
Thanks for the reply.
I did wonder about that but my car is dripping. That said it’s a very small car so probably can’t be compared.
I’m less worried now because having checked for leaks, that the pipe is clear and cold air is actually leaving the pipe, it seems things are running as expected.
I guess I was concerned about a blockage and will just have to monitor.
I’ve never really used the air con on my T6 since I’ve had it but just recently due to the weather I’ve had it on.
Best leave the AC running continuously and adjust accordingly as VW recommend. The compressor is permanently driven on a T6.
The lubricant in the refrigerant lubricates and maintains seal condition, having a static AC system is not going to help with reliability.
I use my AC 365 days a year mainly on re-circulate, that way the AC isn’t working so hard, I’m not sucking noxious traffic fumes into the van and the temperature is maintained with ease.
I did notice this as well having come from a Tiguan which did have a few drips. It's never bothered me really. Might have something to do with having a larger fan box in so any water evaporates before needing to drain?!? Just a guess. But like DXX mines on all the time.
Best leave the AC running continuously and adjust accordingly as VW recommend. The compressor is permanently driven on a T6.
The lubricant in the refrigerant lubricates and maintains seal condition, having a static AC system is not going to help with reliability.
I use my AC 365 days a year mainly on re-circulate, that way the AC isn’t working so hard, I’m not sucking noxious traffic fumes into the van and the temperature is maintained with ease.

Thanks for all the replies.
How do I leave it on in recirculate to get the best out of things.
Both buttons, my advice is to not use fan setting #1 or you’ll have a different issue with a blown resistor, use setting #2 as the minimum.
If the car steams up you’ll need to refresh the air from outside by switching off the re-circ’ button.
If you are de-misting the windscreen re-circ’ isn’t an option.

It’s in the Owners Handbook and you can’t break anything by pushing a few buttons :whistle:
Both buttons, my advice is to not use fan setting #1 or you’ll have a different issue with a blown resistor, use setting #2 as the minimum.
If the car steams up you’ll need to refresh the air from outside by switching off the re-circ’ button.
If you are de-misting the windscreen re-circ’ isn’t an option.

It’s in the Owners Handbook and you can’t break anything by pushing a few buttons :whistle:
Thanks. That clears things up somewhat.
I did check out the manual but as with previous attempts to get information from it I was more confused when I'd finished than before. Interestingly the only thing I do remember is it saying NOT to leave recirculate on all the time(?)