T6 - IFX-F905D & KIT-HALO-VW303 Installation - CANBUS ?


VIP Member
T6 Pro
OK, I have watch a variety of videos online, the main one being thew Advanced InCar Technology one, but thats a couple of years old so I’m wondering if something might have changed slightly. In that looking at the VW303 manual it doesn't show anything going into the CANBUS ? Has anyone installed one recently and can confirm?

These were mine prior to squeezing them all in before getting the head unit in, bit tight with all that going in.



Nice ! Thanks so much @monty999 for sharing those photos.

Just to confirm nothing gets plugged into the CANBUS ?

Also, QQ in your very first picture where is the blue wire from the FM aerial box going ?
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Plugs into power antenna output. Number 7 in the interface book connections, page 10.Number 2 UART connection to Connect2 on the loom from halo which also has speed sensor. Nothing plugs into the other side of the CAN interface.
I cloth taped all the cables which I think made them less ‘bendy’ so hindered getting everything to sit in the space, don’t think I’d bother taping tbh. In fact when I have it out again to connect the reverse camera I might just unwrap the tape off.
By the way,I’ve found out that like many aftermarket units, you can’t switch it on without having the key in.
The screws to fix the unit and face plate back in are barely long enough because of the extra depth of the faceplate but just got them to grab enough.
Hope all goes well for your install.
Thanks @monty999

Just to be sure I understand the following…
Plugs into power antenna output. Number 7 in the interface book connections, page 10. Number 2 UART connection to Connect2 on the loom from halo which also has speed sensor.

OK, to ensure I’ve done the same as you - I’ve taken the light blue cable from the alpine (Halo connection kit - P10/11 - (7) ‘Power Antenna Output’ - which is also on P14/15 labelled ‘Remote Out’), and I’ve connected that to the dark blue wire that comes out of the Twin FAKRA Adapter adaptor. See attached..


The connector/loom with the speed sensor wire on is not being used here ?
Am I missing something ?
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Yes that’s the power for the fm aerial amp. The green speed sensor wire, either use the bullet connector (as supplied in the kit) or cut to length as its way too long & solder( which is what I did) to the speed output (as on the diagram.
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