For Sale T6 RAC Orange Startline bumper with Sport front bumper kit.


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T6 Pro
Perfect for an RAC project.
Gloss black inserts.
Radar cutout.
Professionally painted.
(Van needs a clean)

As you can see from the photos there is about 30mm of the black needing a touch-up and 10mm of the orange. (RAC-specific paint is easily available).
These are blemishes I've only just noticed after carefully examining the bumper for this advert.

The reason for the sale is I need a 'normal' bumper to be able to fit a bull bar.

We can arrange collection/courier after I've had my new bumper sprayed next Tuesday, the 26th of November.

Offers above £250






Hi, where abouts are you based? The orange paint looks very textured on the bumper. Was the bumper not smoothed before painting? Thanks
Hi, I'm based near cardiff.
It wasn't my paint job, I bought the van just as it was beginning to be converted and all they'd done was the bumpers.
I agree, it's not the best paint job.
I would smooth and paint done more.
I can take some more pictures with it a bit cleaner