Tailgate conversion shopping list


T6 Pro
I’ve just collected all my parts for a tailgate conversion today & drop them off at the spray shop for painting correct colour.
The tailgate has already got hinges and tailgate struts with it. I’m aware I’ll need some bolts & spacers for the tailgate hinge to fasten it to the van.
Can anyone advise of any parts I will need to fully fit the new tailgate, bumper, lights and two back panels? Will I have all I need to refix the bumper and lights from the ones I take off?
This should help you.
This should help you.
thank you. this is a great tutorial
I’ve just collected all my parts for a tailgate conversion today & drop them off at the spray shop for painting correct colour.
The tailgate has already got hinges and tailgate struts with it. I’m aware I’ll need some bolts & spacers for the tailgate hinge to fasten it to the van.
Can anyone advise of any parts I will need to fully fit the new tailgate, bumper, lights and two back panels? Will I have all I need to refix the bumper and lights from the ones I take off?
I have a T6 and about to replace barn doors with a tailgate. A friend has just done his but having a problem with the strut length ie too short and tailgate doesn't fully open. Did you have a similar problem?
I have a T6 and about to replace barn doors with a tailgate. A friend has just done his but having a problem with the strut length ie too short and tailgate doesn't fully open. Did you have a similar problem?
I have a T6 and about to replace barn doors with a tailgate. A friend has just done his but having a problem with the strut length ie too short and tailgate doesn't fully open. Did you have a similar problem?
Hi, I’ve just done the conversion, did you manage to fix the issue and get the tailgate to fully open?
My conversion uses T5 struts as the T6 ones were too short. It just depends on what brackets you're using.

On the shopping list (not just the body shop)

Wiring connector (body side)
New heater controls (adds heated rear window switch)
New wiper stalks (if you have a rear wiper)
Screen wash pump (one with 2 outlets for the additional rear washer jet)
Screen wash hose and lots of wire
VCDS to program it all
New threshold cover (single latch)
Hello everyone.
I wanted to ask, if anyone has replaced barn doors with a tailgate, what is your experience of operation? I found out that the bodies are different, and the T5/6 with barn doors lacks a reinforcement at the tailgate mount.
Have a look here
