Tailgate fleece insulation


VIP Member
I'm pretty sure I have read in some previous posts that fleece lining should not be installed within the tailgate cavity. Might be a dumb question, but can anyone tell me why?
Shouldn't be put in any cavity as it holds moisture which leads to condensation at best, and corrosion otherwise.

Use the recycled plastic bottle stuff.
Also think I read/saw not to put plastic bottle fleece in tailgate but can't understand why not.
OK, I've not read it myself, but it could be a weight issue? I.e. too heavy for the OEM struts to hold it up fully?
Yes, sorry I meant the plastic stuff too. The only thing I thought was maybe weight too, but I'll be upgrading my gas struts soon for a bike rack so maybe not an issue.
Obviously the plastic bottle stuff is best as pointed out above but I think I've read a post somewhere that does recommend against it.
If I recall, the main issue was water retention/drainage as you could prevent water from finding its way out of the drain holes. I used a light spray of carpet adhesive to ensure that the slightly undersized piece of insulation I used was held at the top so that a slight gap was left underneath. TBH I can't imagine the weight being a factor on its own but certainly if silent coating, sound proofing, insulating and carpeted ply panels are used then yes, the gas struts will struggle.
OK, I've not read it myself, but it could be a weight issue? I.e. too heavy for the OEM struts to hold it up fully?
I've got a layer of sound deadening, a 6mm layer of insulation foam stuck to that then filled with the plastic bottle stuff and a layer of the thicker carpet on the panel. It lifts the lid to about 90%. Fine for a short arse but I'm over 6ft so just needs a wee touch to raise it the final bit. If you just had the plastic bottle stuff I'd say it would be no problem.

I have read that the window can leak creating dampness. Anyone know where it's getting in and if this is on all Vans? I'll maybe need to do a check in a few months.
Most water in the tailgate comes in through the brake light. You will know when this happens as it will run out of the drain holes.