Temporary removal of Captain's seat on T6 Caravelle


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If I temporarily remove 1 captain's seat from caravelle to get extra space for a holiday, do I have to inform DVLA?
Its a tricky one - I removed them both before without thinking when picking up some furniture and it can be done without any tools.
What I am questioning is - does it invalidate insurance being that its a temporary change that car is designed to allow but V5C clearly states 8 seats.
Insurance does not mention number of seats anywhere in the policy documents (but V5C does)
no is the simple answer. If you reduce the number of seats you wont have an issue with anyone as you are insured to a max of 8 seats. If you were insured at 5 and added 2 then you would probably have an issue as you are increasing the possibile exposure torisk to the insurer.

The whole point of a Velle or a Shuttle is the flexibility of the seating and ability to add and remove seats. If you needed to tell someone about it it would defeat the object. So if you are insured at 8 seats then it is a max of 8 seats and noone is going to see the V5 anyway. I dont even know if police get to see that level of details ifthey run your vehicle.