Thingssss When We Was Young!

Back in the day, the word "Workshop" started to be abused by social worker types. AS did a brilliant sketch regarding this, and how it only related to "Light Engineering endeavours" ; just looked on youtube, but can't seem to find it.
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How many have sat on the kerb in a hot summer with the ice lolly stick rolling tar from the cobbles onto it.:D:D
Then had to put butter on your fingers to get the bloody tar off before mam got to see it.:eek::eek:
As Loz, couldn't utter a word when the football results where on as dad was checking the pools. Don't think he ever won owt.:(
Good work guys - so many memories I had forgotten

Petrol at 38p per gallon - thats about 8p per litre, although I don't think my moped took a whole gallon
Sturmey Archer 3 speed gears on my bicycle
I also remember the dinner plate size Wagon Wheels
Bob the Teddy Boy who worked at the local garage
Cycling everywhere - I must have been so bloody fit
Next door getting the first colour TV in the street and watching the moon landing on it
Happy Days on Sunday mornings on TV
Watneys Red Barrel - total and utter pish
Wrestling on the TV on Saturday afternoon
The quote from the snooker commentator "For those of you watching in black and white, the pink is behind the blue"

I heard a great story from Craig Charles on the radio recently. He went to some kind of Star Trek convention years ago where either William Shatner or Leonard Nimoy (I can't remember which) turned up. Craig went up to him and said how he had watched Star Trek from the first series in black and white, only to be told they hadn't done a series in black and white. Turns out that Craig Charles' parents only had a black and white TV so he never knew it was in colour!
Watneys Red Barrel, best party can going or so we thought at the time:rofl:
Went to see Mick Macmanus, Billy Two Rivers and a few others at Liverpool, great day out to see your heroes of the day.:):)
Being taken to see Jim Davison doing the midnight cabaret at Butlins in about 1981/2.

If Millennials are getting offended by the VW and cream cheese adverts that Jeremy Vine was on about today, Christ knows what they would have made of JD on about Nik Nik and Chalky White.
Good work guys - so many memories I had forgotten

Petrol at 38p per gallon - thats about 8p per litre, although I don't think my moped took a whole gallon
Sturmey Archer 3 speed gears on my bicycle
I also remember the dinner plate size Wagon Wheels
Bob the Teddy Boy who worked at the local garage
Cycling everywhere - I must have been so bloody fit
Next door getting the first colour TV in the street and watching the moon landing on it
Happy Days on Sunday mornings on TV
Watneys Red Barrel - total and utter pish
Wrestling on the TV on Saturday afternoon
The quote from the snooker commentator "For those of you watching in black and white, the pink is behind the blue"

I heard a great story from Craig Charles on the radio recently. He went to some kind of Star Trek convention years ago where either William Shatner or Leonard Nimoy (I can't remember which) turned up. Craig went up to him and said how he had watched Star Trek from the first series in black and white, only to be told they hadn't done a series in black and white. Turns out that Craig Charles' parents only had a black and white TV so he never knew it was in colour!

Haha I'm sat on a train with my fold up Brompton bike (or as my kids call it, Dad's clown bike) and I'm reminded that I still ride a bike with a three speed Sturmey Archer hub :eek::D
Using clothes pegs to attach football cards to your bike forks and make it sound like a motorbike... no, it really did!:whistle:
Age 14 and getting your mates dad to drop you all off in his work van (Bedford CF) including Honda 50 and spare fuel can at the scouts camping ground for the weekend only to find after your first blast round the woods that your same mate had burnt away half the tent, a gallon of 2 star and his Parka sleeve lighting the camp fire... long weekend with no tent flaps and only half a tent.
Getting into Northern Soul at 17 in 1976 and probably terrifying my parents by staying out most of the weekends then getting stopped and breathalysed once for no lights on only to find the passengers in the back of the ex BT Viva van foaming at the mouth thinking they were going to get busted for possession.
Kids today don't know they're born!
Clothes peg and a piece of ready break box on the front forks was all rage with us as well.

Also do you remember “clackers”?
@Loz do you mean those solid plastic balls one on either end of a short rope, that you were meant to swing up and down and clack together? I smashed our fish tank with those....
Dave Prowse telling me how to cross the road
"Charlie Says..."
Mr Ben
The Rockford Files
Multi Coloured Swap-Shop
I still have my milk delivered by a milk man - in a glass bottle with a foil lid; but he's not in an electric milkfloat anymore
Strikes - rubbish piled up everywhere
Fuel crisis
smoking on the top deck of a bus and in the back of planes
Not having to wear seat belts
Using the choke on a cold morning
Clothes peg and a piece of ready break box on the front forks was all rage with us as well.

Also do you remember “clackers”?

Funnily enough they made them at Buller Plastics here in Northampton, the bruises you got on the backs of your hands from them was brutal!

Same time they were out the cool kids at school had Barathea blazers, Levi stayprest or Brutus tonic trousers and loafer shoes... lower down the food chain I'm sure my blazer was made out of donkey jacket material, cuffing your nose would take a layer of skin off everytime.:thumbsdown:
@Loz do you mean those solid plastic balls one on either end of a short rope, that you were meant to swing up and down and clack together? I smashed our fish tank with those....
Yup that’s them, smashed windows, knuckles and my brother round the head...
Also do you remember “clackers”?

They were great. Almost a right of passage just using them. I remember being very smug using them and not getting my hand smashed to bits :)
You could tell who was rubbish with them :D
Had my fair share of bruises tho
BMX bikes of varying quality and Kudos from Raleigh burners up to PK Rippers.
My Dad having various cars all needing constant repairs. Hillman Imp, Mini Van & Ford Capri.
My uncle buying a Betamax video player as everyone went VHS! But still recall watching Porky's & Animal House and thinking it was awesome. (After we had sorted the tracking)

Just seen they have re-released the Raleigh super Burners. £600 :eek:
Super Tuff Burner | Raleigh UK
BMX bikes of varying quality and Kudos from Raleigh burners up to PK Rippers.
My Dad having various cars all needing constant repairs. Hillman Imp, Mini Van & Ford Capri.
My uncle buying a Betamax video player as everyone went VHS! But still recall watching Porky's & Animal House and thinking it was awesome. (After we had sorted the tracking)

Just seen they have re-released the Raleigh super Burners. £600 :eek:
Super Tuff Burner | Raleigh UK
Jeez, that just goes to show that prices are all to cock nowadays as well. £600 for that! That’s completely nuts.
Reckon my original Raleigh Burner BMX in the 80’s was about £100.